Today is our anniversary - roughly 6 year ago (I think) - Wes and I tied the knot. We are planning on going to a movie tonight while Mom and Dad watch the kids - how crazy is that!!!
We normally don't exchange gifts for our anniversary. But this morning Wes gave me the best gift ever. He let me sleep in until 10:30am. That was so great. I have been so tired lately (and no, for those of you who are wondering, I am not pregnant). The kids haven't been sleeping well and I have just been getting more and more worn down. So the extra sleep this morning was amazing.
Other new things in our house are happening too. Bronwyn is walking more and more. Gavin is knocking her over more and more. Bronwyn shakes her head no when you ask her ANYTHING. Are you a good girl - she shakes her head no. Gavin says No all the time too but well he's three. He also often says - No, not yet. Where has he heard that?
Lately when I ask Gavin a question like - Why did you do that? or What do you want? He answers with a shrug - 47. I am a bit worried that he has discovered the secret to life or something - because I can't figure it out. But boy oh boy 47 is a versatile number it seems to explain a lot of things.
Today is the kind of beautiful fall day that I love. Sunshine, crisp air, crunchy leaves, one kid that won't sleep, another that is vegging a bit, and a husband on the roof (don't ask).
I'd like to wish our little Internet heart baby friend Gavin a happy birthday, he is one today - quite a milestone!
Well, I hope you all enjoy your fall days too.