Wow - I just looked at the date - November 30th. Did that catch anyone else of guard?
I have been sick this week. I was really sick in the early part of the week. Wes stayed home Tuesday to help with the kids - guess who I'm nominating for husband of the year? I am doing somewhat better now. My poor kids have had to put up with a Mom that doesn't have a lot of energy though.
I had an interesting conversation with my son in the middle of the night. He came to our bed about 2 am. I asked him why he needed to come to our bed. He said there were ghosts in his room. I asked where he had learned about ghosts. He told me something but I have no clue what it was - I suspect it was from TV.
He then asked for water. I asked where his water was, he told me in his room. I got up to get it, but first I turned to him and said - I don't know if I want to go in there - you said there were ghosts. He replied - no. I said - Well, I don't want to see ghosts so I'm not sure I want to go in there. He replied - No ghosts in there.
Isn't that just convenient.
I have attached this little video. I was able to catch the tail end of the concert they put on with their trumpets or as Gavin calls them - the music making thing. It isn't as cute as the start of the parade - but at least I caught some of it.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Busy busy busy

We had a busy weekend. As a result we had a stay at home and do nothing day to day - Mommy enforced it!
Saturday we went to Heritage park with the family. It was good fun if a little cold. It was the first day of their twelve days of Christmas celebrations that they do every year. Gavin enjoyed it very much - Bronwyn slept. I took pictures but I some how lost them on my computer - don't ask! Thankfully Cindy also took some and sent me a few - but none of the sleeping beauty.
Sunday was busy as usual. So we were pretty worn out today.
I just have to tell this one little bit - Gavin was point out a hippopotamus to me earlier today and I just had to giggle at the way he says hippo. He called it a "hippothomas." Ha!!
Bronwyn is a real little copy cat right now. Both of our kids sing out loudly at church. It causes a great deal of laughter in the general area.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We are still here

I know it has been ages since I have posted. I honestly can't tell you where the time has gone. But I am here now!
Our life hasn't been overly complicated lately. Our focus has been serious potty training, so we don't go too far from home. The good news is that Gavin is doing great, except for the poop thing. But, I am sure with time that will come.
On Wednesday night we had a bunch of Wes' family for supper. Wes' cousin Darren and his wife Karen and their new baby Dylan were in town visiting Wes' other cousin Lyle and his girlfriend Jae Lynne (how did I do on the spelling). They all came along with Wes' brother Brad and his new girlfriend Cindy.
Dylan is such a beautiful little baby and very engaging. We really enjoyed getting to meet him.
We see so much of my family (I'm not complaining) that it was super great to see some of Wes' family too.
The kids have been keeping me on my toes. I often think of fun little stories I'd like to share but you know by the time I get around to sitting down I have forgotten.
I promise I will do a better job at keeping up with the news - this week just got away on me.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Our update
We are still just plugging along. The kids seem to finally be over their colds and other health issues. So we are all feeling a bit of relief. We aren't getting out as much as we would like even though the temperatures haven't dropped too low yet. It was just so windy today!
I thought I would share a couple of cute things since I have nothing to say really.
Wes and I often call Bronwyn "dirty shirt," because she is always in the thick of it. If her brother is doing something she muscles her little way into the middle of it. The other day Gavin was sitting with me and Bronwyn was coming down the hallway ahead of her dad. He said excitedly, - here comes dirty shirt.
Gavin answers for Bronwyn frequently now. For example, the other day I was in the kitchen getting breakfast organized. Both kids were hanging around. I asked Bronwyn if she wanted yogurt. Gavin said - yes, her say that.
Our neighbours had a baby boy last Friday. We are so excited for them. I think there is a new couple moving into the rental next to us near the end of the month. Apparently they are trying to have a family too. This could be quite the hopping block soon.
I thought I would share a couple of cute things since I have nothing to say really.
Wes and I often call Bronwyn "dirty shirt," because she is always in the thick of it. If her brother is doing something she muscles her little way into the middle of it. The other day Gavin was sitting with me and Bronwyn was coming down the hallway ahead of her dad. He said excitedly, - here comes dirty shirt.
Gavin answers for Bronwyn frequently now. For example, the other day I was in the kitchen getting breakfast organized. Both kids were hanging around. I asked Bronwyn if she wanted yogurt. Gavin said - yes, her say that.
Our neighbours had a baby boy last Friday. We are so excited for them. I think there is a new couple moving into the rental next to us near the end of the month. Apparently they are trying to have a family too. This could be quite the hopping block soon.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Haven't felt much like blogging

Sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. Frankly I just haven't felt in the mood.
The kids are still cute as buttons and still by times driving us crazy. We haven't done much on the exciting side. It seems the kids have sick for a month! We are also on baby watch. Our neighbours (Max's parents) are expecting another baby and are now overdue.
The kids are still cute as buttons and still by times driving us crazy. We haven't done much on the exciting side. It seems the kids have sick for a month! We are also on baby watch. Our neighbours (Max's parents) are expecting another baby and are now overdue.
Other than that life is just plugging along.
Thursday, November 01, 2007

Last night we struggled our little pirate into his costume and started convincing him he was to go out and trick or treat. I explained as I was setting our candy out - that other houses had candy too and he was to go to their doors and say "trick or treat" and they will give him candy in his bag. He looked at me and said - but we have candy here.
Finally, after a fair bit of wrangling and fussing we got the kids out the door. We did about 8 houses on our corner of the street. We came back to the house and I thought we'd come in but Gavin wanted to go to "another neighbours house." I think after about the 3 house the lights went on and he discovered that he was getting candy from these neighbors.
We dropped Bronwyn off and continued on to do more damage. It was really fun - he was pretty darn cute - even if I am his mommy. The little spider in the picture is Max, Gavin's buddy from across the street. And just so you know that Bronwyn didn't go out bare legged - this was just for the photos.
Last night Bronwyn for some reason was not willing to go to bed. She was full of party. We ended up taking her to bed with us as she played and bounced around between us. At one point she stood up in between us and I said firmly - Bronwyn it is time to go to sleep. She lifted her finger to her mouth and said - shhhh. (Grandma taught her that).
Both of my kids have head colds. I feel like they have been sick for weeks. I am frankly really tired of it. But they are both still in pretty good spirits even though they are drippy, runny kids.
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