You would all be really quite shocked at how normal my life with the kids is. There are a few odd things of course- like the fact that I have the pharmacy on speed dial - but on the whole we have an average existence. I actually make a point of not trying to obsess about Bronwyn's condition - which sometimes is easier than others. Today it was easy - she is such a sweet girl and it can be so easy to forget that she has such a serious condition. While I was holding her today she sat with her tongue out and a silly grin on her face - wow is she like her dad! Ha.
Gavin's new favourite song is "The Wheel's on the bus". Take it from Mommy this song NEVER gets old. Just super!
I am fairly careful not to see brilliance and brag about it in my kids - but I dunno he really does seem to be fairly artistic. He very intentionally draws, of course it looks nothing like what he says it is but he is trying to draw things. Of course Mommy ends up looking dumb because she can't tell what it is! Silly Mommy - as Gavin says.
So you see my life is very much the life of your average Mom of two kids - I just have more of a reason when I jump up in the night and check her heart rate (admit it - you do it too).
For now we sit at home living our average life waiting for a new surgery date.