Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New from our house

I realize it has been a week since we posted. I am sorry I haven't been sharing news - I have been too busy worrying about things of which I have no control. Effective I know! Good use of my time - yup that too.

Anyhow, Gavin got sick last Thursday - really sick, cold, cough etc. I was sure Bronwyn would catch it and the surgery would be off. But he is better and Bronwyn is still symptom free. I'm still just holding my breath but for now we seem to be on track.

Mari is a mischief. As I sit trying to type she is climbing up the stairs. As I rush over to get her she giggles and tries to get away. She is standing a lot. I have tried to get video of her standing but she never cooperates when I have a camera. Oh gee, now she is standing on her little musical chair - not at all scary! And yet she won't stand when I have a camera focused on her. Girls!!

Mari is also very close to walking. Tonight she actually took one step - of course no cameras. I am sure she will start to walk next week when we are away. I have asked Mom and Dad to make sure they get video for us.

Yes, Mom and Dad are going to keep Mari and Gavin here while we head up with just Bronwyn. While this splits up the family it does seem the most simple answer. Tomorrow night we are headed up for just the night. Bronwyn has an appointment on Friday. We'll head back for the weekend.

This makes it less stressful for me. I don't have to do all the packing and organizing right now. I can put some of it off until Saturday when Wes is home. Its more driving but I think we can live with that.

Gavin is still fighting kindergarten. I have informed him that he is going against law, government, society and bureaucracy- all in one. He can't win - but he doesn't seem to understand his odds.

We've had bizarrely gorgeous weather. Today it was 32. Hot!

I will try give you an update on our appointment after we return.


Anonymous said...

A small "point of order", or is it privilege? When you leave the two with the grandparents, you are NOT splitting up the family, you are conjoining it even more tightly than it was before. You and Wes are so good at letting us all be a part of your lives. Thanks for the blessing!
Aunt Mary

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well in Edmonton. Will look forward to hearing the next news. Love you guys,