Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Tired out

The kids started their swimming lessons yesterday. I was able to book a class for Bronwyn and one for Gavin both at the same time, but it is a bit on the early side. It has worked out great as one of the mom's from a couple streets over has her boys at the same time so I have someone to chat with. Her son is in Gavin's class in fact - very nice coincidence!

I love Southland Leisure Centre, they let Mari splash around in the kiddie pool while her siblings are in lessons. So she gets to have a swim time too. I have to follow her around which is a bit boring, but that is where the nice neighbor comes in handy.

The kids are loving their lessons, but they are tired. We have also crammed in a fair bit of play time with friends as well.

Oh, and we went to Superstore this evening to buy a new barbeque. I have been saving the gift cards from their buy over $250 in groceries and get a $25 gift card promotion all winter. And their barbeques were half price. We basically only paid the gst on our new barbeque, well that and the few other bits and pieces that we got tonight.
By the time we got to the check-out, waiting for someone to help us was the hardest part of the adventure, I decided we should go through the self check out since we had a big barbeque in tow. Mari was losing it, so Wes took her out to the van. I then started to wonder how to I get a cart with two kids and a barbeque out to the van. Oh, and once I'm at the van, how do we get the barbeque in it. Hmmmm. All things we should have considered.

The nice gal at the self checkout helped me ring in the barbeque as I had no idea how to do it. Now I had to start doing the other bits and pieces, which after some struggle I figured out. Nothing like trying something new when you have kids around. Then I pressed ready to pay. OK, scan the gift card. Oh, its beeping. OK try again. Wait for attendant, oh... OK. Um, can you help me again. So the nice girl takes over my payment options and helps me out of my current pickle. So glad she is so capable.

By now Wes has come and taken the other two children out to the van, which I presume is close at hand, cheekily parked in a handicapped spot by the front entrance. As I try to leave the dolly with the barbeque starts to give me grief, in fact I have no idea how to use the bleep bleep thing, it wasn't its fault. The nice gal tries to help me again but this is beyond her expertise. Thankfully a young man knowledgeable in the ways of dollies walks by and assists us, in fact, he offers to help me to my car. Good man.

Now how to get it in. Wes empties the van of all the bikes etc, but it still doesn't fit in the back.We get creative and we get the box in and we are off. I take a seat in the very back with Gavin and worry while Wes drives home safely.
Once home Mari is no longer in tears, in fact, she is perched on top of the barbeque box, insisting that is where she wants to sleep.
Average night out I suppose. Don't stare!!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Hahaha, that's awesome!!