Thursday, February 02, 2012

February 2nd is Lavine's birthday

It is ground hog's day. Today. Which means, I think of my Grandma. And so far today, I think of her a lot.

She was and is one of the weightiest presences in my life. Her personality could not be contained in a few descriptors. No. She was someone who walked with people. She held relationship at a premium. She understood its value.

She was tough. Really tough. Funny. Really Funny. She was kind in her own real sort of way.

I loved her very much. But more importantly I am thankful for her. For her example. For her life. For her passion.

Miss you Grandma.


Andrea said...

I miss Grandma too! Especially on her birthday. Funny, eh? Glad we had such great relationships with her! We are blessed!

sheena said...

Ah, Berta, I started thinking of Grandma, too, as I was walking past the ski hill. I was never very good at sending cards and now I wish I could send her a card. How many good memories we had, and still have. She lives on in all of us! And in our newest little cousin Neve Lavine!