Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Where does the time go?

I have not posted in quite some time. My intentions have been very good, but my follow through has been rather wretched.

We have been busy. Bronwyn has lost a couple more teeth. Gavin has learned to ride his bike. He is starting to master stopping. Starting is still a problem, but it will come. Mari has been up to mischief. Oh and Bronwyn got her hair cut, I'll have to get a picture - she looks pretty cute!

Wes continues to be super busy with the house and I am busy running around after everyone. Oh and I have decided to start reading again, but I'm on the hunt for funny and engaging books - so if you have any suggestions I am open to hearing them.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Happy Easter

We are still here. I have been shockingly neglectful of the blog. The good news is I took a bunch of pictures yesterday and the kids are all dressed up today so I shall take more. So be patient exciting times ahead!