Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I hate three o'clock

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and realized that you are the world's worst mother. That you are failing your children sadly and they will regret you for the rest of their lives.

Well, I did last night.

Not sure why, normally I'm quite happy to be an adequate to poor mother, doesn't bug me at all. I figure it will build character in my children. But last night I was just alarmed and vowed to be a better mother today. I would turn over a new leaf, I would be the mother they need.

Good news is - the sun came up... and equilibrium has been restored.

I have spent the morning telling kids to look for their library books later, yelling at them to get their coats on and then neglecting my youngest child while I chatted on the phone with a friend and then frittered away time on the computer.

Whew! Close call. But no worries I'm back to my high level of complacency that gets me through my life.

Perhaps, I should feed the third child...

Or tackle folding all the laundry...

or take a nap?

1 comment:

Zahn Family Blog said...

Take a nap.... your an awsome mom!