Saturday, June 21, 2008

Guardian Angels

My mom always says that during the toddler years a child's guardian angel works over time. I always thought she meant that they some how manage to avoid serious injury when they fall off their bike or a chair or something of that nature. Here is a little story that happened in our house last week that shows how Gavin's guardian angel has been busy.

We had a visit from our neighbor Max and his Daddy. We were all outside in the yard. I had to come in the house to fetch something for one of the kids. Gavin followed me in the house. As he came in he picked up a couple of my old puzzle books from the recycle pile. The rest goes like this...

Gavin - Mommy, why are these in the garbage?
Me - They were in the recycle pile not the garbage.
Gavin - We can't recycle these - we must keep them.
Me - No, we have new ones and those are all used up.
Gavin drops the books on the floor.
Me - Gavin, pick those up and put them back where you found them.
Gavin - That's OK, you can do it.
Me - Gavin.
Gavin - Mommy.
Me - Gavin, watch how you talk to Mommy.
Gavin - You watch how you talk to me Mommy.
Now I turn around from my task and try to grab him by the shirt but miss. He runs out the door, giggling and saying (as I chase him) - You can't catch me.

By now he is a couple feet from our visitors so I stop the pursuit and say - You are just lucky we have guests mister!

Gavin - (saying to our guests) I ran away from Mommy!
Guest - Why did you run from your Mom.
Me - Because I was about to throttle him!

So as you can see Gavin's guardian angel has been working overtime protecting him from his pregnant mother. This is my third pregnancy and one of the few things that has been consistent throughout all my pregnancies is that I have a shorter fuse than normal. So you see he lives under a charmed star right now!

Don't get me wrong, normally he is a very good little boy - but he is after all three and a half.


Ian said...

I wonder where the "Bob the Builder" t-shirt came from. And I like those sun glasses.

Madame Angela Baggett said...

ha, ha. I'm glad you can identify with me ;) My 3.5 year old things he's a teenager too- or an adult. He says things like: don't talk to me like that, I don't want to, no you do it... all the time.