Thursday, December 03, 2009

Mayhem upstairs

I have been downloading a few pictures. While I am doing this Wes is upstairs with the kids. They decided to string the lights that Grandma brought us in the kids room. I think Grandma intended them for the outside of the house. She is desperate for us to not be the only house on the blocks that doesn't do anything for Christmas!

There has been a great deal of activity, yelling, stomping, laughing and general excitement. I'll have to go up and check out what they have done.

Mom and Dad were here for supper. They were babysitting for us, as Wes and I went for Gavin's parent teacher interview. He is doing very well. It seems that he listens well, is a keener, is very clever and has finally gotten over his school-phobia.

We are very proud of the sweet boy! Now if I could figure out how to get him to be a listening keener at home - well then we'd be cooking with gas eh?

The kids played outside for a while before going to school this morning. I took these pictures. Mari can hardly move in her snowsuit and boots. Its quite funny!

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