Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Technical difficulties... sort of

I am having technical difficulties uploading my little video clip from the video camera to any of the computers in our house!! Grrrrr.

I have also been having technical difficulties with the kids. Two out of the three have been sick since last Thursday. Minus a couple of outings that we couldn't avoid we have been pretty much stuck in side. And its yucky outside, so taking the kids out is difficult even without the sickness factor.

They have today to get better and that is it! I'm done.

Its not that I'm unsympathetic, I'm OK with really sick kids. Its the sort of sick kid that drives me bonkers! So here is to better weather, they say it is coming, and healthier kids. Next step the garlic! I have horrible childhood memories of my mother making us drink garlic laced orange juice. Apparently the orange juice was supposed to mask the chunks of fresh garlic floating in it. Ah, no!

At the time I thought she was CRAZY. Well, in fact, I still do think my Mom is crazy, but for other reasons. I now understand the frustration of sick kiddos. You get to a point where you will do almost anything to get them back up to steam and out of your hair! Yesterday Mari emptied a full kleenex box. Not blowing her nose, I guess just pulling them out so she could have them handy - who knows?

Oh well. They all seem to be a bit better today, well Mari and Gavin are, Bronwyn didn't get it. She rarely gets sick, strange but darn lucky!


Brandi said...

Sorry to hear about the sickness...yuck!!

Lots of garlic, citrus and love!

Anonymous said...

isn't that so strange - out of all my kids (as far as colds and the flu go) Quinn is always the last one or not at all - so weird! hope the kids get better soon!!