Friday, July 01, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

Great excitement in this house for Canada Day. We watched a bit of the early festivities from Ottawa. The arrival of Prince William and Kate. Nice that they could join the party, but I'm afraid to say Kate seems to have stolen the show.

Gavin seems to think (and I blame this on the school earth day celebrations) that you should celebrate Canada day by walking around the neighborhood picking up garbage. While I think this is a great idea I'm not willing to do it on a day when we are having company. I promised him we'd do it one day soon.

We are having the MacKenzie's and our Irish friends the Peoples over tonight. Should be fun. Wes worked today, but is home now - whew!

I worked too. I have literally been on my feet all day. Hope the food is good - that is the best outcome.

Hope you all have a wonderful Canada Day - whether you are a Canadian or not! We love the world here.


Anonymous said...

Quinn wore the same shirt as Bronwyn yesterday!! Every year I buy the kids new Canada Day shirts!
Big Hugs to you guys! Kim

Brandi said...

That IS the best way to spend Canada Day! Along with eating too much and getting too much sun :)

Anonymous said...

You have beautiful kids, Roberta!