Wednesday, September 05, 2012

First days

Yesterday was the first day of school for Gavin and Bronwyn. I was pretty nervous. Bronwyn is going to be full days now - big step for Mommy. For the first time since she was born I won't be with her for big sections of her day. Doesn't make me nervous at all (insert fake laugh here).

Everything went well. Mari is insisting that I sit with her and watch her shows. I think she misses the others and so Mommy now has to be her playmate. Which is only fair, since I make her run all sorts of errands with me.

Gavin decided he might like school this year. This would be a BIG step for him. I'm just holding my breath to see if it actually takes.

Bronwyn chattered non-stop about her first day when she got home. So excited.

The girls also had their first ballet classes last night too. Mari was so excited about that too. She is finally getting to do the things that her big sister has done for years. Such a big girl!

Mari starts on Friday, she is so excited. She has already decided she loves her teacher and that her teacher loves her. Which, is actually kind of true, since it is the same teacher that Bronwyn had and she can't wait to have Mari!

I know fall is when all the leaves start to fall off the trees and winter is looming, but for me it is always new starts and wonderful things. I believe this fall will be wonderful for the Davis family. Lets wait and see.


Julie Reid said...

Love the update! When did Mari get so big? Glad Gav is off to a good start :) Miss Bronwyn is gorgeous as always!

Brandi said...

Cute, cute and oh so cute!!!