Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rethinking my life

You know when you have one of those moments. Those moments that causes you to stop suddenly and take stock of your life. In a flash you question ever major decision you have ever made, you pause and wonder about the meaning. Well I had one last night.

Wes and I were watching TV and there was a news story about some European singing competition. At the end of the story they stated how some careers had been launched by this competition and they showed a clip of a very young 70s group singing Waterloo. WATERLOO.

Wes said, (and I'm not making this up) "Who is that?"

I gasped and stared and thought "who is this man sitting beside me?" How could I have not known that he didn't know this? How have we been married his long with out this fact surfacing?

Pause for thought...

1 comment:

Zahn Family Blog said...

HAHA! Awe -- sweet sweet Wes. Ask him if he ever heard of Dancing Queen. If he hasn't...well, I'd be VERY worried then.