Thursday, November 02, 2006

We are sick

Well it has happened - we all have head colds. I am likely the least effected. I was hoping that as I have a bit of a cold that I would pass on antibodies to Bronwyn and she wouldn't get sick at all. But she is sick. So far she doesn't seem too bad. I know it was unavoidable with a two year old in the house - but it is complicated by her condition.

I remember the first cold Gavin had. I was so scared that he would get sick and when he finally did he lived through it and it wasn't so bad after all. But I was a nervous wreck. How things change! I was concerned that Bronwyn would get sick but I just knew it would happen. When I woke up this morning and heard her snuffling I didn't panic. I called her cardiologist and had a chat with one of the nurses there. We are just keeping an eye on her for now and monitoring her saturations. Imagine calling the cardiologist as your first course of action to a head cold! How crazy is that!

Gavin is quite cranky and Mommy is finding hard to manage the whole sick family. The kids are napping now so after I do a load of laundry I may try to catch a few winks myself.


Gavin's Mama said...

Thank you so much for your encouraging comment on our blog. Your children are absolutely beautiful! We love to hear other HLHS families stories. God bless!
-Faith (Gavins mom)

Anonymous said...

We love your bog, especially thie pictures- more, more!