We've been very busy but I have forgotten the camera for every major outing - so I won't go into the gory details. It has been a nice week though. I am feeling a bit better. Wes is refinishing the floors in the basement this weekend and this means we are really close to getting the office stuff relocated down stairs and a little room built for Mari! YEAH.
Earlier today the kids were playing with our little digital camera. Bronwyn was having her turn, she was trying to figure out what to make of it when Gavin demanded it was his turn. This discussion ensued:
Gavin - Its my turn, Bronwyn is taking too long of a turn.
Me - Gavin, when you were her age I let you look at and figure out the camera. You were able to take all the time in the world to look at it, figure it out, putz around. You didn't have to share it. Bronwyn doesn't get that chance because you are always grabbing things away from her. Is that fair? Shouldn't she get a chance to figure the camera out too?
Gavin - Then she should have been born first.
Me - Well I suppose you have a point.
The girls are good. Mari is such a beautiful little thing. She has such a nice disposition (so far). If we could only get her to sleep Mommy'd be doing great. My biggest issue is watching and making sure she survives her brother's love. Oh he loves his little sister. But, wow is it scary for me. She doesn't seem to be aware of the peril. He loves to pretend that she is attacking him and he rolls around with her - can you say AGGHHHHHH!
I took Bronwyn shoe shopping the other day. It was nap time and I was pushing my luck trying to squeeze it in. She very primly asked the lady at the shop if she had any "Dodo shoes" (Dora). The lady led us to some crocks and sketchers that had Dora. She really wanted the crocks and I just said no. So we tried the others on. At first she said, "Me bough dees (me buy these)?" I asked how they fit and she declared they were too small and said she didn't want them. I tried a couple other options, by this point she wouldn't put her feet into any of the shoes I showed her. I tried to get her to point some out but she wasn't at all interested. In fact, I had to bully her to put her own shoes back on - she wanted to set them on the shelf too.
Finally we found a little pair of sandals that she liked so I took them and ran to the till before she changed her mind. GIRLS!