Monday, April 27, 2009

Snow again

I wish I was kidding but I'm not. I have lots to report but I have been to busy to report it.

Quick highlights. Gavin had his first day of soccer on Saturday, he seemed to like it a fair bit. Wes is really pushing to get the basement family and play areas done. I am trying to get Mari to sleep a bit more through the night because I hit a wall and can't do it any more. This is why Wes is trying to get the basement done so we have a bit more room to get a space for Mari upstairs. We have also been sorting through the shed and going through all the stuff we've had in storage since we started on the basement. We are sort of in wait mode for a date for Bronwyn's surgery - so we are trying to get everything in order so we can run when needed.

It is one of those times where it has to get worse before it gets better.

There is much to look forward to - summer is coming whether it likes it or not!

I will post pictures and more cute stuff later - right now I just can't remember by the time I sit down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Roberta. You sound like how I felt when Dawson was Mari's age, but of course I didn't have to deal with an upcoming surgery! Things get better and sleep does come!! Looking forward to tomorrow!