Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fort weekend

We had a lovely week. A beach day with Norah and Reed - so fun. Visits with Grandma and Grandpa, play with Max and Isaac, just lots of summer fun. The weather was finally a bit nicer this week so we enjoyed more outdoor fun.

We had planned to go up Saturday for our church's family camp, but Gavin had other plans. He decided that he wanted Daddy to build a fort. And that was the only plan that anyone could entertain. So the fort construction started yesterday. Of course, Wes' plans are always a bit more complex than mine.

I am fondly calling it the guest house. Its not that bad really. Gavin and Bronwyn are just thrilled with the idea and Gavin has been enjoying trying to help Daddy. I am not sure Daddy has enjoyed the help as much, but why should he get off scott free!

Bronwyn and Mari have been playing together more - it is pretty cute.

Highlights of my week were definitely the killer Indian food my neighbor made and shared with me. Seeing my girls learn to play a bit together. Getting Gavin outfitted for kindergarten and watching my husband indulge his children's whims. Pretty great week overall.

And in case you are wondering - still no call from Edmonton. Just waiting.

1 comment:

erinlo said...

Praying you get that call SOON, Roberta!!!

And what a cool daddy is to make your kids a fort. That is so awesome!