Monday, August 13, 2007

Vacation log

OK - so here is what I am going to do - because we were in so many places and saw so many people I am going to do blog installments. I just have so many pictures! And if you find it boring remember you have my complete approval to skip or ignore any entries.

First up - Medicine Hat - we stayed with the McLeod's for the first night of our journey. The highlight in Medicine Hat was the water cooler - for a two year old who loves water play nothing is as cool as a water cooler.

The next day we drove all the way to the Muirhead's farm outside of Estevan. A seven hour trip without stops. The kids did great. Thank goodness for portable DVD players. Of course Bronwyn is still rear facing so it didn't do her much good. But she sure enjoys her books lately so that helped.

Well, the farm was among the highlights of our trip. Uncle Bill made a big impression on Gavin's little horse loving soul. He toured him around and they fed the horses, told the dog not to jump and did other farm type stuff. I should know - cause as you all know I am a farmer! Really! Well they sure entertained us in grand style.

I don't have pictures from the farm as Aunt Mary's camera was handier so I used it - she has promised to email me some.

An aside here - I just ran spell check and did you know that the first thing that comes up on the list as a correction for Muirhead is airhead - hmmm.

Stay tuned...

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