Thursday, June 11, 2009

Little monkey

We can't leave Mari alone for a minute these days but that she's pulling herself up on something. We caught her hung up on the little riding plane. She was actually standing at one of the other toys, and when she fell (as I was running to catch her) she didn't bash her head because she hung on to the toy with one hand. She was hanging like that still as I scooped her up.
She has also been working at getting up the stairs. Yoicks! She is only 8 months old and actually doesn't officially crawl yet. Although you wouldn't know it as she creeps so fast.
We are in the "just keep them alive" phase of life again. I must confess I'll be happy when she's out of it (for safety reasons).
Do you know that the spell check on blogger thinks yoicks is a spelling error - really, what is this world coming too.


Drew and Erin said...

Wow she is a handful! What a busy little gal. She and Sam would get into way too much mischief together!

Anonymous said...

So, the feeling of "just keeping them alive" is just supposed to be a phase and not a desperate prayer to God every day?! Hmmm, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Mari looks so cute though and I can't wait to see you guys.
Hugs, Kim

Ian said...

I think that "yoicks" should be a word too even though it is pretty close to "yikes."