Friday, July 17, 2009

Crazy busy week

Wow - I mean really wow. This week has been nutso!

Monday we had Mel and girls for a visit in the am. Then we drove out to Mom and Dad's in a crazy thunderstorm, for a visit there.

Tuesday through Thursday the kids were at VBS. I stayed all day with them too. It started at 10 am and went through 3 pm. So Bronwyn didn't really have a decent nap for three days. Let alone Mari - she just hung out with Penny most of the time.

Today we went over for Max's birthday. Bronwyn finally fell asleep in my arms at 4 pm. I brought her home to sleep and returned to get Mari who had been sleeping in Isaac's crib. Natasha brought Gavin home an hour later - after a substantial water fight. He was wet!

By supper time Gavin was having meltdowns everywhere. Everything was upsetting him. EVERYTHING!

My hope is they have a really good night tonight. Because we have two birthday parties tomorrow and one on Sunday. Really I think every kid we know was born in Mid July.

I haven't taken pictures - I've been to busy running. I haven't been thinking much. In fact I wrote a post on this blog that was intended for a different one. It was totally out of place here and not the kind of content I usually have - so I deleted it - hopefully not too many of you read it. Not that I'd be embarrassed, it just isn't my usual stuff. A bit more "open" than I would like. This just shows how incredibly tired and confused I am.

My hope is that I won't be babbling incoherently by Monday. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mid-July, eh? Count back nine months and figure out what most Canadians do in the cold winter. August is also a busy month for birthdays. Ha ha! Good to see you, Roberta.


PS: I did read your other blog and was going to post but it would have been too personal (for me) and a bit lengthy. Suffice to say, you and I are similar in that way. Love ya!