Monday, September 14, 2009

We have a date

They will be doing Bronwyn's surgery at the end of September, two weeks from today.

You can pray that we all stay healthy and cold free in that time.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to know that you have a date!!! Missed you yesterday at church.

Drew and Erin said...

We will be praying!

Kim said...

i will be praying SO hard that Gavin doesn't bring home any little kindergarten germs because we both know that colds NEVER happen in a room full of snotty five year olds at the beginning of the school year - having said that, I am really happy that Bronwyn has a date and I hope you can feel my hug from Edmonton for the anxiety you must be feeling right now! We love you guys and are hoping that everything goes smoothly for the next two weeks.