Thursday, January 10, 2008

The birthright of all Canadians

My mom and I took Gavin skating for the first time today. It was pretty cute. It was also pretty darn hard on my back. You know it is totally crazy. You spend 15 minutes getting all the gear on and lacing up skates so you can hit the ice and hold your child upright for 5 minutes before he decides to quit. Sheesh!

Bronwyn walked around with Grandma while I propped her very unsteady brother up.

They have been really growing. Oh my goodness Bronwyn can eat. We had lunch at Mom's but Dad was out, so when he got home he ate. Bronwyn sat on his lap and ate half his lunch too. Maybe she is going to have a growth spurt.

I had a conversation with Gavin on the way home from Mom and Dad's that I found pretty amusing. It went like this -

Gavin - look Mommy a plane.
Me - oh, yes I see it.
Gavin - its a plane, no a heditopter, no a rocket.
Me - oh, a rocket (OK fine I was driving so I wasn't particularly engaged in the conversation at first).
Gavin - that rocket he's mad, he going to ...(I didn't catch where he was going), he likes old people.
Me - (huge laugh followed by) he likes old people eh?
Gavin - ya.
Me - Who is old? Am I old?
Gavin - no.
Me - Is Pops old?
Gavin - no.
Me - Who is old?
Gavin - I am, I'm free (three). That rocket he likes me cause I'm old.

Well - I best get my tired little body to bed.

1 comment:

Madame Angela Baggett said...

how hilarious! Ivan is "free" too and Dominique eats more than him most the time. love to you guys