Saturday, October 03, 2009

Can't keep a princess down

Today Bronwyn is doing quite a bit better. We tried to have her in her room as little as possible. I seem to be getting a bit of a head cold. I was not sure this morning and just feeling a bit sick but not sure so I was wearing a mask just in case. Of course I wasn't aware that I'd be causing mass hysteria by doing this. I wasn't coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose or anything. Just being cautious. When they started questioning me about why I was wearing a mask and they were acting all cagey - well I snapped - a bit! But oh well - I'm trying to behave.

But now - well now I am feeling pretty snotty - so Wes is staying again and I'm going to keep my contact minimized until I'm in the pink so to say.
We tried to have Bronwyn out of the room as much as possible today. She played at the "Beach" (a special play area for kids at the Stollery) twice. We also took her downstairs to the cafeteria for supper. We also took her for a couple walks and several trips up and down the elevators. She really liked the elevator trips.

We have been forcing liquid on her. She is on restricted liquids but is having a hard time drinking even that amount of fluid. Last night they topped her up with IV, but that came out this morning. So if they have to top her up tonight they would need to use an NG tube (a feeding tube through the noise). So all day we have been telling her to drink or the doctors would need to put a straw in her nose to feed her. The line between parent and school yard bully has been a bit blurry today. When I left she was in reasonable shot of her target - so I think she will be OK.

I am hoping she has another good night. I also hope I can just sleep this cold off and have it gone in the morning. I just don't want to feel so stressed every time I go see her. I'm terrified I'll make her sick too. I go nowhere near any one else's kids and am slathering myself with antibacterial stuff.

Kennedy, Josh and Gavin did a bit of mad science this evening. A volcano I believe. Gavin and Mari have been getting a lot of attention.

Grandma, Grandpa, Gavin and Mari will return to Langdon tomorrow. Wes and I remain and hope to be released Monday or Tuesday - Monday would be better, but I'll take Tuesday also.

1 comment:

erinlo said...

Hoping for Monday!!!!