Saturday, October 31, 2009


So it is Halloween day. We had to cancel the party. Gavin is sick. Not exactly sure what is wrong. No sore throat, a wee bit of a fever but no consistently (seem mostly before bed), no throwing up, just a really lethargic little boy with no appetite, a snotty head and not much interest in anything. He didn't even object when we cancelled his birthday party.

He did insist that he could go trick or treating. He was laying on the floor in his costume at the time. I told him he could just go to the neighbors across the street and then he'd have to come home. His Daddy carried him home. I just don't know what is up. Even with all the scare and hype I don't think it is this H1N1. He just doesn't show the symptoms. There is no word on any other flu going around - no one is interested in anything else. Hummpph.

If he is still sick tomorrow I'll drag him to the doctor on Monday. Poor boy. He was actually animated for a short period of time while he opened his birthday present from us. I think he really likes it but it takes a fair bit of figuring out and assembly. It has lots of little pieces - so we have to watch Mari.

The girls had fun this evening. Bronwyn was so excited to go out trick or treating. She had a blast and quietly at a heck of a lot of candy before I noticed this evening. I had sorted through her bag and set all the stuff with fat in it (mostly chocolate stuff) aside. She can have it later - only one week left - hurrah!!

Brad and his new girlfriend, Marci, came for a visit too. I forgot they were coming and decided to try an "experiment." They show up and I got so flustered. I served the most horrible meal. Really I did. I'm not exagerating. But we laughed about it and I assured them that if they came again I'd do my best to make a few improvements.

Mari just enjoys everything! She is such a little cutie. She is just in there wanting to do everything.

I am going to try get a better night tonight - I still feel awful. Grrrr.

Hope you all had fun today and didn't eat too much candy!


Zahn Family Blog said...

Yes, I know how it is. This is just what Eric seems to have. Media seems to hype the cough, cold type symptoms so I was inclinded to say no H1N1 as well, but has a fever, doesn't want to do anything, and I have to make him eat. We seem to get periods of energy when I think he's getting back to his old self. Playful, talkative...etc. But then he gets tired again and goes back to laying down. He's even asked to take a nap today. *sigh* I thought we had this thing licked. Keep me posted. I'll do the same.

Julie Reid said...

Those 3 are adorable all dressed up! Loved the cake. Sorry to hear that Gavin was feeling so low. Hope he perks up soon. Hopefully the hysteria with all this flu stuff simmers down soon. Glad to hear Miss Bronwyn continues to be a rock star!