Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our girl is great

Bronwyn is doing such a great job of her recovery. We are just so proud of her. She has been eating since yesterday and I was able to nurse her a bit today. That went well so we are hoping that we can just pick up where we left off shortly. The PICU isn't a great place for nursing your baby but once we are moved to the ward it should get easier. She would have been moved upstairs today if they had a bed but we are hoping they will have a space for her tomorrow.

As I write this Gavin is helping me by holding a flashlight up to the monitor! Wow what a helper.

I thought that now that the smoke has cleared a bit I would share some thoughts on one of the hardest parts of this process. I think most parents in similar situations would agree that physically handing your child over to the nurse to take her into surgery is likely the toughest thing you will ever do. Many parents go with their child while they are put under - I did this for her MRI and I decided that this wasn't something I wanted to do again until she was older.

I have thought about this a fair bit and I think that the moment that you pass your child over for major surgery is all about faith. Yes it is about faith in God which is in someways is the easiest. It is also about faith in people - faith in the nurses, the doctor's, the equipment, in the health system. You feel like you are stepping off a cliff but you don't know how far down the ground is or if there is water or dirt at the bottom. Your mind and logic have to override your instincts which say to keep your baby safe from harm. The rational side of you has to work hard to control and convince your mothering side to just let go and it will all be OK.

I am sharing this not to upset everyone but I know many of you have done similar things and it isn't easy and I don't want to pretend that it is. But I can say that in our situation the results of this faith has been very rewarding. We thank God for protecting our girl and we are so grateful for every day that she does well.


Madame Angela Baggett said...
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Madame Angela Baggett said...

sorry, I posted a comment for someone else. What I meant to say was that we are so happy to hear that she is doing well and it was fun to hear about your son entertaining the hospital ward. Ivan is a celeb at the hospital here too as we have people we visit often.

Anonymous said...

That's great to hear that everything is going well. You've certainly been in our thoughts and prayers... how wonderful to see them being answered.
Nic & James